Brightlingsea Active Conservation and Craft Club 2022. A community arts and conservation project with a group of local volunteers.

Throughout 2022 Brightlingsea residents have been meeting in the local countryside every two weeks for an active morning of craft and conservation sessions run by Cobnuts. The aims of the project are to create nature connectivity, highlight the significance of the local natural heritage, establish bonds between a network of volunteers and alleviate eco-anxiety by taking positive practical steps to enhance the environment.

In this activity, volunteers are helping to enhance a neglected pond by clearing reeds and building a clay bund. Previously a picturesque focal point which had iconic status in local shared consciousness, the pond is sadly now often dried out and contains little wildlife. With advice from the RSPB and local scientists, we are managing it for the benefit of wildlife while restoring it for local people.

Other activities include litter picking, foraging, natural dying,  jam making, tree planting and weaving.